Saturday, September 20, 2008

single and sweet !

"hey you know what?those two got committed last week!" "are they close friends or are they really committed?" sigh!! getting committed! that's the buzz word,or sounds so. there has always been this "pair-up" stuff both at high school and's done purely for fun.i understand,and of course enjoy too!! but i don't understand the funda about "getting committed". oh when? at this age? or you think it's the right age? "hey they make a cute pair!" oh yes i agree,but commitment? nay,not much!

when a guy and girl are good pals,fellow students are wise enough to leave it just as a "pair-up" at the maximum. but sometimes the level of closeness does create a stir among the others and they start this "getting committed" topic all over again!! I'm not against fun-talks, in fact i have been paired up and i tease people too.but what about this "rage for commitment"?surely no! after this proposal is accepted, they think getting committed is fun.ya,with the guy gifting you for every(silly) thing,those never ending phone-calls,irresistible looks,the "mushy-mushy" dialogues,those midnight sweet dream message,going out together,cliched beach walks,the thought of him or her while listening to romantic songs,et al. is that all you call commitment? i laugh when people give a pity-look which means,"tchu tchu... you are single is it?not much of charm." best joke!

staying single has it's own advantages people! i need not worry about whether he ate,slept,walked,called me up,messaged and the like.when i have no time to think of myself,there's absolutely no time at all to think for two people! he and me! do you know commitment is hell lot of a responsibility ? especially when you are in the serious talk make a slip of the tongue mistake,it's taken to charge. the doubtful looks and stares that you have to face sometimes even from your own girl/guy, when you talk or exchange pleasantries with some other girl/guy, as the case may be.

no girl is going to give a damn to you if you are not getting into a decent profession with a soaring career.all "mushy-mushy" things that once used to be her fantasy will no longer hold any position other than a waste of time,if you are not an is not only what i mean.surely no one will want to lead a mediocre life. same applies to guys too!

for those who think"this girl is don't know when love will strike you" i say, go!get committed.but first understand what it means to be so.give it a break now my dear! this is the time for many more things that you will want to look back and cherish.follow your dreams,have fun with friends,be passionate,learn lots,read lots,fight,play,love and LIVE!and then get committed.may be, that sounds more like a commitment!

P.S: i will surely inform you when i get committed.right now,staying single seems to be sweeter than anything else in the world!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"BLISS"ful birthday!

today is the first anniversary of my blog-BLISS! i started blogging a year ago just to develop my passion for writing and of course for served as a lovely platform for me to write and what's more i got new friends! i could pour out anything i felt.sometimes i wrote just for the sake of it.

life,friends,love,people,places,poetry,college, blog became a mixture of things. blogging became so much of fun and now here i am happily celebrating!

thank you BLISS! you are a gift!
happy birthday and hopefully many more to come :)

hey my blog turns one!!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Homage

Veteran violin maestro Dr.Kunnakudi R.Vaidyanathan passed away on the 8th of this was a shock for me to see the flash news at 10p.m. Known for his inimitable style and grace in playing the violin he made it possible that even a layman enjoyed his music. forced into music by his father,he was a force for many others to learn in his later years.

as a high-class musician,a composer,a teacher,a performer,he wore many hats.age,illness,whatever be the reason,his demise is a great loss to the music fraternity.he will be remembered by one and all till there is music in the air.

may his soul rest in peace.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What's more!

"i love you sometimes foolishly and that those times i do not understand that i could not,would not,and should not be so absorbing a thought for you,as you are for me".


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

happy b'day ganesha!

"வாக்குண்டாம் நல்ல மனமுண்டாம்
மாமலராள் நோக்குண்டாம்
மேனி நுடங்காது பூ கொண்டு
துப்பார் திருமேனி தும்பிக்கையான் பாதம்
தப்பாமல் சார்வார் தமக்கு !!!"

one of the earliest slokaas i learnt!

when i was a baby,amma used to sing "pillayaarappa periyappa! kuttimma va konjam kaappaathu!" in her own made-up tune to make me sleep.those few months when she grew me up.

i was grown up by my grandparents and uncles in my formative grandma's house has this "kutti pillayar" affixed in the compound wall that we usually find outside homes facing a dead end street.i grew up watching my grandpa doing pooja everyday to pillayar that i started calling it "pillayaaruku panradhu" meaning doing pooja to HIM. so everyday, as a little kid,i used to rush outside with fresh flowers grown at home in my hands along with grandpa - "pillayaaruku panradhuku" !! and that's where my affinity towards GOD started!my daily prayers,slokas,bhajans,and even the "poi sonnaa ummaachi kannai kuththum" started with this pillayar only!
little business deals were a common affair.for all that he does for me,a bribery of a coconut or lighting a camphor was all that he expects from me.or maybe,i have asked him to expect from me!

so vinaayaka chathurthi is a major treat,for my pillayaar will be an epitome of grandeur! thanks to grandpa's decorative skills,the pleasure he takes in bathing the deity to dressing him up majestically. those days when i used to go from one place to another to get the best "umbrella" and a cute clay-idol (with the beads fixed neatly as eyes) are still etched in my memory canvas.of course,till recently,kozhukattai was only home-made and not sold at sweet shops.i gobble half of what is made at home!

with prayers,thanks-givings,pooja,kozhukattai,and silent deals with HIM(?!!) it's a special day for HIM,or should i say, for me? ;-)

நாம் ஒன்று தொடங்க
நலமாக நடத்திடுவான்
நாள் எல்லாம் நமக்கு
நாயகன் துணை வருவான் !

happy b'day ganesha! thanks for all that you've given me,still giving me,and hopefully more in store!