Monday, September 24, 2007


The last day when we talked

we were silent

as it was planned that

we will never talk

but still your voice

and those few words

I can hear.

Though we didn't

want to part away.

we had to do that

for families'

harmony and happiness.

Still we keep wondering

why there was ego clash

why few old ones

don't understand

they have lived their lives

and they should not

part our ways.

we didn't oppose

and just did support,

agree with them

and killed ourselves.

our joys and warmth

just drifted away

today we aren't happy

and aren't living our dreams

we are still paying the debts

of we loving each other that way.


  1. this one is really touching man and i actually have tears in my eyes ....

  2. @ sushmi:

    thank you. don't get so emotional da. you'll have smiles in your way :-)

    keep coming!


feel free to tell what you want!